Jόn Steinar Gardarrson Mỷrdal
Jón Steinar is a project manager at Austurbru’s office in Egilsstadir, Iceland. He leads projects focused on energy transition and job development. Jón Steinar studied physics and chemistry at the University of Iceland and at the Technical University of Denmark.
Austurbru advocates in the interest of inhabitants, communities, institutions and companies in East-Iceland. It provides a coordinated and interdisciplinary service related to economy, education and culture. The institution represents the development of the economy, society, administration, college and continuous education, research, knowledge and culture in East-Iceland.
Austurbru leads the work package called evidence in excellence where the aim is to identify best practices and highlight underutilized resource opportunities across the NPA regions.

Alda Marὶn Kristinsdόttir
Alda Marín Kristinsdóttir is project manager at Austubrú’s office in Borgarfjörður eystri, East Iceland. She manages the Fragile Communities project in Borgarfjörður eystri. Alda Marín studied comparative literature at the University of Iceland and will be finishing a degree in Tourism studies from Holar University, Iceland in 2020.