Northern Ireland Housing Executive

Robert Clements
Robert Clements is the Sustainable Development Unit Manager for the Housing Executive, working within Regional Services. His unit is the custodian for the Home Energy Conservation Authority (HECA) statutory function and the Housing Executive’s environmental management system.
Robert has worked in social housing for over 20 years and has extensive experience in residential maintenance and refurbishment with his previous experience in the Private Grants Dept. and within the housing association sector.
He has worked in residential energy efficiency for over 5 years. Recently he wrote the ‘Energy Efficiency Good Practice Guide for Refurbishment of Residential Sector’ and is a certified Passive House Consultant.
Robert graduated from Ulster University in 1993 with a BSc (Hons) in Building Engineering and Management and is a chartered member of the Charted Institute of Building.

Catherine Savage
Catherine Savage is Project Manager for the HANDIHEAT project within the Sustainable Development Unit which manages the Home Energy Conservation Authority (HECA) statutory function for Northern Ireland and the Housing Executive’s environmental management system certified to ISO 14001:2015. Catherine has worked in in social housing for over 20 years and has extensive experience in environmental matters in her previous role as Environmental Policy Manager and Senior Environmental Policy Officer. She is a qualified Lead Environmental Auditor and represents the Housing Executive on the NI Sustainable Development Forum .
Catherine graduated from Ulster University in 1995 with a BA in Public Policy and Management and is a member of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA).

Stephen Hill
Stephen Hill is a member of the Corporate Institute of Public Finance Accountants (CIPFA) managing the New Build budget for the Social Housing Development Programme within Northern Ireland. He has worked for the Northern Ireland Housing Executive since 1983 and has been in his current position since 2007. Stephen also has a Post Graduate Diploma in Housing Studies from the University of Ulster.
He is the appointed Accountant overseeing the Handiheat Project, examining energy efficiency solutions for isolated rural communities, which is funded by the European Regional Development Fund through its Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme. The budget associated with this work is in excess of €2 million and the work is shared between 7 partner organisations representing Finland, Iceland, Shetland, Northern Ireland and Ireland. The Northern Ireland Housing Executive is the lead partner.
The Northern Ireland Housing Executive is the primary provider of social housing within Northern Ireland within excess of 80,000 homes within the social sector.